Appointments & Recognitions

Trustee of New Vic Theatre

Cultural Champion of Newcastle-under-Lyme (2020-2021)

Founder & Director of Kwanzaa Collective UK* and The Roaming Poets

Keele University Excellence Award

Creative Director of Six Towns Carnival (2023- Present)

Clients & Partners

What People Say

  • “As both a performer & workshop leader for all ages, Gabriella delivers on time, in depth and with passion and authenticity."

    — Paul Rogerson, Director, Restoke

  • “GKA always delivers well crafted and heartfelt words for the right time and place- delivered with poise and passion- a star in the creative and cultural community."

    — Susan Clarke, Director, Stoke Creates

  • "I was stunned by the beauty of your writing & the clarity and confidence of your performance last night. You are wonderful"

    — Audience member, You Are Here

  • “Gabriella, what a wordsmith! A truly creative and conscious community member, your words were powerful and brought a little lump to my throat. I watched the audiences faces, you were a spell weaver, casing magic onto the audience you enthralled them with your spell. I do feel truly honoured that you created a piece for the event! "

    — Adrian Water, Community Coordinator

  • “As a poet, performer, artist and all-round cornerstone of the Arts scene, you will be hard pressed to find an individual as inspirational, caring and beautifully humble as Gabriella. From our very first meeting, and with each encounter thereafter, I have been continually struck with not only the unmatchable power and poignancy of her words and work, but by the infectious enthusiasm and kindness she injects into every event she organises or appears in. GKA is a wonder to perform alongside, or to simply watch in awe, and I look forward to each and every time I have the fortune to do either.

    — Emily Rose Galvin, Staffordshire Poet Laureate 2017-2019

  • "Gabriella was the star of our event. She performed 3 poems for us - one written by another, one written by Gabriella based on the words of a nurse, and one written and performed on the day. She has such talent, such professionalism, such humanity. She was a delight to work with and I look forward to working with her again in future.

    —Lesley Faux

    Diversity & Inclusion Lead, North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust

  • “I know that everyone was blown away by your poem and performance. I personally interviewed the nurse whose words you made into the beautiful poem. She is a wonderful woman and will be so pleased that you gave her words such power, which will continue to initiate change and she is able to keep her anonymity. The video of your poem was seen by members of the Board and execs at the Trust – you could hear a pin drop and all were in agreement of doing even more to ensure these instances don’t happen. This will now be shown at every induction for new staff . Thanks once again."

    — Kirstie Cope, NHS

  • “Gabriella Gay is an inspiring poet - whose words will hook you from the moment she opens her mouth and the poetry flows out! I’ve watched audiences as they watch, spellbound, as Gabriella performs. Gabriella’s words and performances are emotive and humbling - and stay with you for a long time after the event. I’ve performed alongside Gabriella at slams, open mics, and community festivals and always admire her presence on stage as well as finding her to always be warm, enthusiastic and approachable. '

    — Mel Woodend, Staffordshire Poet Laureate 2019-2022

  • "Your thoughtfulness, deep thinking and craft is inspiring. You worked relentlessly to make a piece that was co-created, so ambitious and excellent. No one else could have fulfilled this role like you '

    —Clare Reynolds

    Director, The Lotus Eaters